Welcoming Classic Health Care Patients: Insurance In-network status pending

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you! Family Tree Acupuncture is delighted to announce that we have acquired Classic Health Care, as Gretchen Porter embarks on a well-deserved retirement, we extend a warm welcome to all of her patients.


As part of this transition, we are currently in the process of credentialing our providers at Family Tree Acupuncture to accept insurance plans. We recognize the importance of insurance coverage in managing healthcare costs, and we are diligently working to ensure you have access to these benefits as we continue Gretchen's legacy of outstanding care.

We will post updates on our website about our progress regarding insurance acceptance. If you would like to be updated via email, sign up for our newsletter using the form located on both our home page. If you have any questions or concerns during this transition, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

We are excited about this new chapter in our journey and the opportunity to serve you. Thank you for entrusting us with your healthcare needs, and we look forward to being your partner in wellness. Visit our Appointments page to book your appointment today!

Clinic UpdatesStefanie Beniek