

We are in-network provider for the following insurance:

  • United HealthCare

  • UCare

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN

  • Medica

  • Veteran's Affairs Community Care Network

  • Auto Insurance Injury

  • Medical Assistance Programs

  • Medicare Advantage

    Note: Our clinic is NOT in-network with HealthPartners. Stefanie Beniek, LAc is the only in-network provider with UCare and Medical Assistance Programs. Kindly schedule your appointments with the relevant provider based on your insurance coverage.

Check your Benefits:

Most insurances covers acupuncture. However, we recommend checking your plan's acupuncture benefits as some have limitations on conditions and number of treatments allowed. Understanding your benefits in advance will help facilitate a smoother experience for you.

If your insurance is not listed, you may still receive reimbursement for out-of-network or have visits counted towards your deductible. Ask your provider for the necessary paperwork to submit to your insurance.


Cancellation Policy

Since our services are by appointment only, please make yourself familiar with our cancellation policy.

  • 24 hours notice is required for cancelling or rescheduling an appointment to avoid charges.

  • Patients who provide less than 24 hours notice, or miss their appointment, will be charged a cancellation fee.

  • Illness, emergencies and certain exceptions can be made on a case by case basis, but must be done by phone/text before the appointment.

We greatly appreciate your business and thank you deeply for your cooperation with this policy.